Saturday, July 09, 2011

15 months!

We have needed a few strong coffees this month!

The waiting continues, and we have been trying to find out how we are progressing over in the offices in Peru. We have finally been able to send a letter from the right people to the right people to request an update. We are hoping that this will keep our names fresh in the minds of the department responsible for allocating, and may also give us an idea of where our paperwork is in the process, but any word would be good at the moment!

It is a very anonymous process, with e-mails and phone calls to unseen people. It can feel a little removed and impersonal. Trying to get things done can feel like a battle, and this is a common experience for most people in this process. They sure don't make it easy! So many hoops and so much red tape, but we persevere because we believe this is His plan for our family. We cling on to hope. The hope that will be a LIGHT at the end!

You are constantly in our thoughts. Who will you be? What will you be like? We try to imagine our lives with you around, but it feels so far off in the future.
We are waiting, because we know God will prepare us and you to meet at just the right time, and He has you safe for now. We are waiting because you are waiting too. We wait because there is a far off light, and all the longing will end with us finding you! It is amazing to think that our paths are already set to meet, and that you are already part of our lives. God has a plan, and we will learn to wait patiently until we see things as He does xx

And so we wait ... and we are belssed to know that we don't wait alone x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still praying
Love the letter Feeling it all with you.
M & D