Saturday, January 23, 2010

When we got an e-mail on Wednesday 20th January from Peru, our lawyer wrote casually:

Yes, your paper are in SNA.

That means our papers are officially with the government in Peru!! Not sure what day this happened, but at least we know they are in! (That's great because it means we don't have to redo our x-rays or blood tests that run out after only 3 months!)

We have met with our notary in the UK ready to authenticate our extra documents, and now are just waiting for our doctor to complete our medicals, and our psychologist to send us her report. We have made an appointment to visit the notary on Thursday, but we are not sure if we will have all the papers by then. Might have to re-schedule.

We are really looking forward to getting this done now! Looking forward to the day when we can relax a bit, and let go of rushing about collecting evidence every weekend and making phone calls in our lunch breaks! Will the paperwork ever end?! Including the home study, we have been collecting and completing paperwork for over a year now- phew! Nearly there?

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